With Wings she
fearlessly fights
In 2006, after a positive Breast Cancer diagnosis, Margo and her four sisters banded together to host a Backyard Breakfast with the aim of raising funds on behalf of National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF). The event was such a success they founded Margo’s Journey and went on to host an annual Fundraiser Dinner.
To date, Margo’s Journey has raised over $350,000 which has been shared between the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF), Concord Hospital Cancer Centre and The McGrath Foundation as well as providing assistance to individuals wherever possible.
Donate Now
Breast Cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in Australia, with a staggering 1 in 7 women being diagnosed in their lifetime.
Every day approximately 55 people are diagnosed, that equates to over 20,000 Australians each year. Since 1994, with advancements in cancer research, the five-year survival rates have improved from 76% to 91%.
We’ve come a long way. But there’s still progress to be made.
Your donations big and small, help work towards better treatments and prevention, provide hope for more survivors and support for women diagnosed with breast cancer. Help us continue Margo’s Journey, donate today.

2022 Fundraiser Evening
Join us for an extraordinary night of giving.
*Entry passes are mandatory